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Roof-top wind turbines
VAWT - An alternative energy resource
The research team of BES has designed and patented a vertical axis wind turbine design for stand-alone applications. The helical structure of the designed blade geometry enables uniform torque distribution, thereby reducing the vibrations during operation. The CFD experimentation on the turbine proves the turbine to be self-starting at low wind velocity.
The turbine still needs to be experimented with a laboratory scale prototype before being launched.
1. Indhumathy Basker & Mahalakshmi Nainangkuppam Venkatesan (2022) 3D-CFD flow driven performance analysis of new non-cylindrical helical vertical axis wind turbine for fluctuating urban wind conditions, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 44:1, 2186-2207, DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2022.2058654
2. ‘Non Cylindrical Helical Blade for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine’, Design Accepted and Published in Journal No 44/2021 dated 29/10/2021 Indian Patent CBR No. 200098, Application No.349651-001, Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Design Office, Kolkata.